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AERO 3101

Leadership and Management (3) (O). Pre-professional co-requisite: AERO 3101L: Study of leadership theory and skills, and the Air Force officer's role as a leader. Includes a study of management skills and their value in the military environment. Emphasis is placed on written and oral communication.

AERO 3102

Defense Administration and Military Management (3) (O). Pre-professional co-requisite: AERO 3102L: Examination of Air Force doctrine, leadership, and ethics. Emphasis is placed on written and oral communication.

COMM 2105

Small Group Communication (3). Principles of discussion and deliberation in small groups. Practice in organizing, leading, and participating in various forms of group communication. Emphasis on problem solving and leadership skills. Restricted to Communication Studies majors and minors.

COMM 2107

Interpersonal Communication (3). Study of the dynamics of one-to-one human communication. The relation of language to human communication, perception and reality, self-concept, nonverbal communication codes, development of trust and self-disclosure, and development of positive communication style. Restricted to Communication Studies majors and minors, Pre-Elementary Education, Pre-Kinesiology majors, and Pre-Special Education majors.

MGMT 3140

Management and Organizational Behavior (3). Prerequisites: ACCT 2121, 2122; ECON 2101, 2102, INFO 2130; junior standing. A study of the role of manager with an emphasis on understanding the behavioral and administrative theories and concepts needed to succeed in contemporary organizations. Topics covered in the course include motivation, leadership, managing teams, and teamwork.

MGMT 3287

Managerial Leadership (3). Prerequisite: MGMT 3140 with a C or better. A managerial perspective on leadership in formal organizations. Emphasis is placed on team-building, exercising influence, decision-making, and conflict management. Pedagogical tools to be used include role playing, case analyses, self-assessment of leadership competencies, and shadowing of working managers.

PSYC 2171

Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3). The study of people at work; what motivates people to work and what leads to satisfaction, alienation, or performance; how to lead others, the structure of an organization and processes of communication, decision making, and conflict; socialization through selection and training; measurement of individual contributions; the design of work itself; ways to change and develop entire organizations.

POLS 3112

The Presidency (3). Analysis of the role of the Presidency in the American political system and its relationships with the other branches of government. Strategies of presidential nomination and election, the sources and indicators of presidential power, and how those who have held the office have shaped it and been shaped by it.

POLS 4110

North Carolina Student Legislature (3) (W) (O). Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Practicum including workshops, seminars, and guest speakers on legislative process and research, parliamentary procedure, and resolution and bill drafting, participation in an interim council debate at one of the member campuses for one weekend each month during the semester, and participation in the NCSL annual session in Raleigh. May be repeated for credit.

EXER 1231

Introduction to Outdoor Adventure (1). An introduction to outdoor adventure through participation in a variety of weekend outdoor trips offered by Venture. Discussions and written reflection will expand students’ sense of self, their connection with others, and with the natural environment. A special fee will be charged to cover the costs of the weekend trips.

EXER 1235

Challenge Course Activities (1). Immersion in a developmental small group team experience using a wide variety of challenge course activities (i.e., ropes course, trust exercises, group initiatives.) The focus is on expanding students’ self-knowledge and understanding of how to work effectively with and lead others.

EXER 2232

Wilderness Trip Leading (2). Prerequisite: EXER 1231 or EXER 2230 or permission of instructor. The focus is on the broadly accepted skills and knowledge necessary for leading group adventure trips. Includes spring break backpacking trip(s) and classroom sessions. After successful completion of this course, students will be eligible to assist with Venture trips. A special fee will be charged to cover the costs of the trips.

EXER 2234

Challenge Course Facilitation (2). Prerequisite: EXER 1235 or EXER 2230 or permission of instructor. Focus on the basic skills and knowledge necessary for safely and effectively leading groups through challenge courses. In addition to classroom sessions, weekend days at the Team Challenge Course and observation/apprenticing of actual Venture programs are required.